An international conference, ‘Contesting Shi’ism: Isna ‘Ashari and Isma’ili Shi’ism in Modern South Asia’, hosted by the History Department, Royal Holloway, was held in London on 9-10 September 2011.
You can listen to all the conference papers on this website.
Here below is the conference programme:
Friday, 9th September
14:30 – 15:00 Francis Robinson, Reflections on the Shia in South Asia and the wider Muslim world
15:00 – 16:30 Session I
Michel Boivin, The Isna ‘Ashari-Isma‘ili divide among the Khojas around 1910: exploring forgotten judicial sources from Karachi
Ian Williams, Shared and disputed symbols within Twelver Shi‘ite and Ahl-i-Sunnat traditions of Islam: an examination of theological constructions and devotional practices among leaders and adherents from nineteenth century South Asia to the contemporary U.K
Tahir Kamran, Sufi shrines, electoral politics and sectarian violence in Punjab: a case study of the dargah of Siyal Sharif
17:30 – 19:00 Session II
Ludovic Gandelot, Isma‘ili Aga Khani religious and social identities, as seen through Sultan Muhammad Shah’s firmans at the beginning of the twentieth century
Soumen Mukherjee, Of ‘religious and social welfare’ and ‘progress of the community’: religious inspiration, leadership and idioms of welfarism among Shi‘a Imami Isma‘ilis in twentieth century South Asia and East Africa
Bashir Damji, The Khoja Isna ‘Ashari communities of East Africa: from newcomers to flag-bearers
Saturday, 10th September
9:00 – 10:30 Session III
Sajjad Rizvi, Establishing the principles of the faith for a new Shi‘ite polity: the theology of Sayyid Dildar ‘Ali Nasirabadi
Justin Jones, Khandan-i-Ijtihad: authority and transition in a family of Shi‘a ‘ulama in Lucknow, c.1850-1950
Ali Khan, Local nodes of a trans-national network: a case study of a Shi‘a family in Awadh, 1900-1950
11:00 – 12:30 Session IV
Simon Wolfgang Fuchs, Third-wave Shi‘ism: Sayyid Arif Husayn al-Husayni and the Islamic revolution in Pakistan
Hasan Ali Khan, The role of the Auqaf Department in redefining Sufi and Shi‘a built heritage in Pakistan
Saleem Khan, The Shi‘a dominance of the legal profession in British India: a study of the lawyer politicians of Bihar