This is to inform you that the proceedings of the conference “Centres and Peripheries in Ottoman Architecture: Rediscovering a Balkan Heritage”, which was organized at the University of Sarajevo in 2010, have been made accessible online.
For more information about the conference (venue, convenors, concept note…), click here
You can download it as a pdf file from these two addresses: and
Table of contents
Maximilian Hartmuth
The history of centre-periphery relations as a history of style in Ottoman provincial architecture
Historija odnosa centar-periferija kao historija stila u arhitekturi osmanskih provincija
Johan Mårtelius
Ottoman European architecture
Osmanska europska arhitektura
Grigor Boykov
Reshaping urban space in the Ottoman Balkans: a study on the architectural development of Edirne,
Plovdiv, and Skopje (14th-15th centuries)
Transformacija urbanog prostora na osmanskom Balkanu: studija o arhitektonskom razvoju Jedrena,
Plovdiva i Skoplja (od 14. do 15.vijeka)
Ibolya Gerelyes
Ottoman architecture in Hungary: new discoveries and perspectives for research
Osmanska arhitektura u Ma!arskoj: nova otkica i perspektive za istraživanja
Machiel Kiel
The campanile-minarets of the southern Herzegovina: a blend of Islamic and Christian elements
in the architecture of an outlying border area of the Balkans, its spread in the past and survival until our time
Zvonici-minareti u jugoistocne Hercegovine: spoj elemenata islama i krišcanstva u
arhitekturi pogranicnog pojasa Balkanskog poluostrva, njihovo širenje u prošlosti i opstanak do sadašnjeg vremena
Marianne Boqvist
“Centre” and “periphery” in the Syrian countryside:
the architecture of mosques in governmental foundations on the Ottoman imperial roads
“Centri” i “periferije” u Sirijskoj pokrajini:
arhitektura džamija u zadužbinama upravitelja na sultanskim cestama
Federica Broilo
The forgotten Ottoman heritage of Florina on the River Sakoulevas,
and a little known Ottoman building on the shore of Lake Volvis in Greek Macedonia
Zaboravljeno osmansko naslije!e Florina na rijeci Sakoulevas i manje poznata
osmanska gra!evina na obali jezera Volvis u Egejskoj Makedoniji
Vjekoslava Sankovic Simcic
The restoration of the mosque of Hadži Alija in Pocitelj
Restauracija Hadži Alijine džamije u Pocitelju
Zeynep Ahunbay
Ottoman architecture in Kosova and the restoration of Hadum Mosque in Gjakovo (Ðakovica)
Osmanska arhitektura na Kosovu i restauracija Hadum džamije u ‘akovici
Nenad Makuljevic
Država, društvo i vizuelna kultura: poznoosmanska arhitektura u Srbiji, Makedoniji i Bosni i Hercegovini
State, society, and visual culture: late Ottoman architecture in Serbia, Macedonia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina
Lejla Bušatlic
Transformacije gradske kuce orijentalnog tipa u postosmankom periodu na podrucju Bosne i Hercegovine
The transformation of the oriental-type urban house in post-Ottoman Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mirza Hasan Ceman
Urgentne urbane intervencije osmanske vlasti na podrucju Bosne i Hercegovine nakon 1860. godine
Urban interventions by the Ottoman state in Bosnia-Herzegovina after 1860
Cazim Hadžimejlic
Mihrabi u Bosni i Hercegovini
Mihrabs in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mehmet Z. Ibrahimgil
Jedan osvrt na objekte kompleksa Murad Reis-a na Rodosu
A survey of objects within the Murad Reis compound in Rhodes
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Asian Studies (February 1, 2012). Centres and Peripheries in Ottoman Architecture: Online conference proceedings. Sindhi Studies Group. Retrieved October 8, 2024 from