The research team “History and Sufism in the Indus Valley“, coordinated by Michel Boivin at the Center for South Asian Studies (CEIAS) in Paris, organizes a workshop to discuss on recent publications focusing on Islam in India and Pakistan. It will be held at the CEIAS on 24 January 2013 between 9 am and 1 .30 pm. For more information about this event, you can contact Delphine Ortis.
Julien Levesque will discuss the book by Alix Philippon, Soufisme et politique au Pakistan. Le mouvement barelwi à l’heure de la “guerre contre le terrorisme”, Karthala – Sciences Po Aix, 2011.
Discussant: Alix Philippon (IEP Aix-en Provence)
Delphine Ortis will draw a comparative review of recent books dealing with dargah in India: Anna Bigelow, 2010, Sharing the Sacred. Practicing Pluralism in Muslim North India, Oxford University Press ; Kelly Pemberton, 2010, Women Mystics and Sufi Shrines in India, University of South Carolina Press ; Carla Bellamy, 2011, The Powerful Ephemeral. Everyday Healing in an Ambiguously Islamic Place, Berkeley, University of California Press.
Discussant: Farzana Shaikh, Royal Institute of International Affairs, London
Michel Boivin will discuss on new works about Ismailis and Aga Khans, through a presentation of the book by Teena Purohit, 2012, The Aga Khan Case. Religion and Identity in Colonial India, Harvard University Press, et de quelques autres.
Discussant: Denis Hermann, CNRS-Mondes iranien et indien
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Asian Studies (December 18, 2012). Workshop: Discussing recent work on Islam in South Asia. Sindhi Studies Group. Retrieved September 10, 2024 from